Earlier in the winter we had a nice sunny day. It inspired me to order seeds for the garden. There are so many seed companies out there, and lots that offer heirloom varieties and organic seed. In the end, I chose to go with Brother Nature out on Vancouver Island. Not exactly local, but really, seeds aren't particularly bulky and shipping them isn't a huge carbon expense.
Brother Nature provides all organic seed, which is nice, and I found their website easy to navigate and understand, which was the real selling point.
I got home from a meeting in Tampa late last night, and this morning realized that it's already the end of March. I need to figure out when to plant everything.
This poses a problem. I'm a neophyte gardener. With help from books such as How to Grow More Vegetables, I can lay out a garden for good companion planting, and I can figure out how many plants I'll need. But when do I start each one? Which ones do I start in flats and which can be directly sown into beds?

But the bigger question was when to start each plant. To answer that, I used two great online resources. The first is the Canadian frost date selector page at the Victory Seed Company. (I'll certainly be looking at their seed offerings next year.)
The second is a wonderful online planting calendar at the Skippy's Vegetable Garden blog. Just enter the date of average last frost, and it calculates when to sow certain plants indoors, when to sow others directly, when to transplant and so forth. Exactly what I wanted.
Of course, it also tells me that I'm behind with a lot of things. But the ground is still frozen and I didn't get anything in until June last year, but still had a bumper crop, so I'm not too worried. Will be starting some seeds indoors this weekend.
So, what will I be planting this year? The short answer is, "A lot of things." In most cases, there will be small quantities of each item, as I see what works and what doesn't. Also, variety is half the fun.

The beds are being laid out for good companion planting, with creeping vines among tall sturdy stalks and so forth. There will be lots of marigolds, the workhorse companion plant in any garden, as well as nasturtium to protect other crops. I'll also plant some other flowers, such as stock, lobelia, snapdragons and sunflowers, just to look pretty. Haven't even begun to think about the boxes on my deck. We'll see what looks pretty later in the spring.
Enough typing. Now it's time to get to work. There's raccoon-proofing to be done!
I've got seeds up the wazoo, so to speak, from last year. But no plans yet. I know I planted too many seeds last time. I got a Lee Valley garden catalog this morning and ran right out and got a seed starter kit (with a greenhouse cover and eco-friendly coir soil pods). This means I won't be using the pudding cups for seed started (or maybe I will!). That's a gorgeous chard, by the way.
Thanks, Karen.
The chard last year was lovely. I started with seedlings I got at a farmer's market in Flesherton, Ont. This year I'm starting my own seeds. If they don't go well, I will be heading back to Flesherton for some plants because that chard tasted soooo good.
How did you keep the earwigs off your chard? I have a severe earwig infestations in my somewhat shady garden that ate all ALL the bok choy a year or so ago.
I had some, and some holes in leaves. Didn't affect the flavour.
I also planted between tomatoes and companion planted marigolds. Marigolds, as I understand it, secrete something into the soil that other plants absorb, making insects think they're all yucky marigolds.
Either that or I was just lucky.
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